

翻墙记_百度文库:翻墙记 这事儿对 我来说我觉得是件壮烈而又丢脸的事情,还好,我还没有牺牲。 我为了不走绕路,就寻找一个较低一点的墙想翻过去。最后垫了两块砖头, 很轻松地站在墙上俯视那些还在转迷宫的人伔。



Our equity programmes invest in large-scale, private sector managed funds of funds providing later stage capital, as well as alongside business angels and other early stage equity investors. These investments unlock additional finance to support business growth across the UK.


What we do

Smaller businesses are a vital part of the economy. They make up the overwhelming majority of businesses in the UK, employ millions of people and are responsible for almost half of private sector turnover. Their success helps to fuel UK productivity and economic growth.

Our role, as a commercial subsidiary of the British Business Bank, is to increase the overall supply and diversity of finance – both product and provider – on offer to UK smaller businesses. We do this while providing value for money for UK taxpayers.

We do not finance small businesses directly, but instead work with the market to provide funding through our delivery partners. Our partners have investment programmes for a broad range of small and high growth businesses across sectors, regions and business stages.

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Coronavirus and Covid-19

All of us have already been affected in some way by the spread of the Coronavirus and the Covid-19 outbreak. This is obviously a very challenging time and although the near-term outlook is uncertain, we remain committed to the continued delivery of our investment programme.

The British Business Investments team is now working from home with internal and external meetings conducted via video conference. Fortunately, we have robust, tested and secure IT infrastructure in place and have enacted our Business Continuity Plan. All our team members are equipped with the hardware and software they need to fully carry out their roles remotely.

In short, we are very much open for business

To read the full statement from our CEO click here



A growing lending portfolio

Supporting financial diversity
Our strategic and commercial objectives

Our partners

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